20 странных скульптур со всего света. Или мы просто высокого искусства не понимаем?
Крокодил, поедающий капиталиста, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Fancy Cow, Dьsseldorf, Germany
Traffic Light Tree, London, UK
Автор Pierre Vivant
Skull on a man, Prague, Czech Republic
Two peeing guys, Prague, Czech Republic
Автор David Cerny
Guy on a bicycle, Chile
Skeletons in love, Nong Khai, Northeast Thailand
Ballerina man, Los Angelo’s, CA, USA
Sculpture of Pig as Chinese Monk, Phoenix, Arizona
Vomiting Fountain Sculpture, London, UK
Certainties on the gravitation of an Elephant, Paris, France
The Spider that Ate Parliament, Ontario, Canada
Disturbing sculpture
Pig the Cyclist, Texas, USA
Engagement Rings, Vancouver, Canada
Стекло, сталь, алюминий - автор Dennis Oppenheim
Rusty Men, London, UK
Device to Root Out Evil, Vancouver, Canada
Автор Dennis Oppenheim
Mystic Carhenge near Alliance, Nebraska, USA
Автор Jim Reinders
Chasing One Another, Tokyo, Japan
Passing through the wall, Montmartre, Paris